Friday, January 15, 2010

New Years Eve

On the eve of the New Year, in the light of a partial lunar eclipse, with a Piscean sister born on the same day as me, we danced to the Brahmanic sounds of Hindu worship.
The devout bathed in the holy Ganga as plumes of mist rolled off of the river.
It was my second New Years in Varanasi, and like the one before it, I felt all the power and blessings of being in a place of unbroken ritual and worship for thousands of years.
I cast away the unnecessary worries of adolescence into the foggy blackness and welcomed the divine to intoxicate my being.
And the dance continues...


Recap said...

Wowza, Wish I was there too. Maybe someday soon. I got your postcard !! I want to call you soon, is your number the same still?


urban djinn said...
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urban djinn said...

the convergence of so many special elements and this very particular moment in our lives - as the new decade dawned - made this one of the definitive New Years of my life. Thank you Yamuna! And I pray that the year and the decade live up to it too! (for both of us:)